NO PREP Second Grade Substitute Lesson Plans! OR easily create fun THEMED distance learning packs too! Then, when your are back in the classroom you’ll have sub plans for next school year as well! This is a bundle of 22 second grade NO PREP sub plans. These second grade substitute plans are also perfect for an emergency sub day or just a day lesson plan FREE for you!
→Check out the PREVIEW to get an idea of how each sub plan works OR get a CLOSER look at what you get in this bundle by checking out each individual listing’s preview.
Check out my other SUB BUNDLES HERE:
• Kindergarten Sub Plans for the Entire Year BUNDLE + Editable Sub Binder
• First Grade Sub Plans for the Entire Year BUNDLE + Editable Sub Info
• Third Grade Sub Plans for the Entire Year BUNDLE + Editable Sub Info
Purchased separately, these sub plans ARE worth over $75! SAVE $$ by buying this BUNDLE!
Holidays Around the World Sub Plans (*see detailed description below)
All About Space (*see detailed description below)
NEW ADDITION just added to the BUNDLE! A PowerPoint file containing ALL substitute directions from each pack that are COMPLETELY EDITABLE! If you have time to plan for your sub, you can now tweak them however you like!
•This file INCLUDES 2 sub plans for each month of the school year September-June!! These plans are loosely tied to the month, but are referenced by a month so that you are aware of the skill level needed. For example, sub plans in “September” include easier skills than sub plans from “December”.
☆This print and go pack is Common Core Aligned. Don’t use Common Core? These plans will still work for you! There is one or more activities for each subject! Each pack includes L.A./Reading, Math, Writing, Social Studies, and Science activities. Each activity page lists the Common Core Standard it addresses in the corner.
INCLUDED ONLY IN THE BUNDLE at the bottom of this description.
September “All About Apples” asks students to:
-identify real and nonsense words
-read short vowel words containing digraphs and blends
-identifying syllables
-identifying plural nouns
-two-step story problems up to 20
-counting by 10s to 500
-writing about a specific topic
-responding to a reading by identifying why they liked a book
-discussing and writing about important rules and procedures of school
-comprehension and sequencing the life cycle of an apple
TASK CARD game: Nonsense Real Words Short Vowels Reading Task Cards
September “All About Family” asks students to:
-plural and singular nouns
-reading commonly spelled words
-writing with a beginning, middle, and end
-time to the hour and half hour
-counting items and sorting data on a graph
-identifying why teamwork is important in a family
-identifying and writing about science properties
-partner reading and responding
-BONUS: Family Portrait Page
TASK CARD game: Time to the Half Hour Math Task Cards
October “All About Bats” asks students to:
-read grade level sight words
-read CVCe words
-identify odd and even numbers
-add single digits to 20
-make a prediction before reading
-identify and explain bat body parts
-write about an opinion
-discuss and name safety rules when playing or walking in the dark
-BONUS: If I was nocturnal…. Writing Page
TASK CARD game: Scrambled CVCe Words Reading Task Cards
October “All About Spiders” asks students to:
-read S Blends
-sort infected endings of -ed (/t/ and /d/)
-place 3-digit numbers in order from least to greatest (looking at place value)
-filling out a simple graph
-creating a simple graph
-identify and explain spider body parts
-identify and write about the main idea
-discuss how community helpers make the community a better place (community web)
-BONUS: How a spider catches its prey…. Writing Page
TASK CARD game: Place Value Math Task Cards
November “All About Pumpkins” asks students to:
-read R, L, and S Blends
-identify and write R, L, and S Blends
-simple addition (add single digit numbers after rolling a dice)
-counting by 5s to 300
-opinion writing (the coolest pumpkin)
-reading response: 3 facts I learned
-listening and comprehension (how to cook pumpkin bread)
-life cycle of a pumpkin
TASK CARD game: Counting by 10s and 5s {3-digit numbers}
November “All About Fall” asks students to:
-read Diphthong (ow & ou) words
-read simple vowel teams
-read simple sentences for comprehension
-place value (hundreds, tens, ones)
-fact families to 20
-reading response: describing characters
-compare and contrast holidays and traditions (two versions which includes a NON-THANKSGIVING option)
-writing about the 4 seasons
TASK CARD game: Diphthongs OW and OU Reading Task Cards
Holidays Around the World asks students to:
-find and color Christmas words (Australia & U.S.A.)
-read and show comprehension of the steps of playing the dreidel game (Hanukkah)
-identify true and false addition equations (Las Posadas)
-identify odd and even numbers (Chinese New Year)
-write about La Befana (Italy)
-identify and write about the sequence of a book (any fictional holiday book)
-show comprehension of the seven days of Kwanzaa
-identify the life cycle of a coniferous tree (Germany)
BONUS: Create a Holiday Banner
TASK CARD GAME: Addition and Subtraction Fluency
December “All About Hibernation” asks students to:
-identify contractions
-comprehend simple sentences about hibernation
-read double consonant ending words
-identify coins
-count the total amount of a group of coins
-read time to the half hour
-summarize a piece of nonfiction text
-ask questions and recall facts from a nonfiction text
-sort facts about preparing for winter/hibernation
-sort animals based on whether they migrate or hibernate
TASK CARD game: Contractions Reading Task Cards
December “All About Giving Kindness” asks students to:
-read hard g and soft g sounds
-sort hard g and soft g words
-compare 3-digit numbers using symbols and words
-order 3-digit numbers from least to greatest
-identify the problem and solution
-brainstorm and write about priceless gifts they can give others
-comprehend the meaning behind giving colored flowers as a gift
-understand an animal food chain and how it “gives” life to other animals
TASK CARD game: Comparing 3-Digit Numbers
January “All About Winter” asks students to:
-read and color code words ending with Y (long i and long e vowels)
-sort adverbs based on whether they tell you when, how, or where
-fluently add and subtract to 20
-identify coins and bills
-add and subtract money
-create a different ending to a story
-write a how-to about building the BEST snowman
-show comprehension of a passage about winter sports by identifying true and false statements
-understanding how the Earth and sun interact to create winter
TASK CARD game: Adverbs
January “All About Martin Luther King Jr.” asks students to:
-read and match irregular verbs
-read and color code silent c and silent b words
-identify odd and even numbers
-identify and draw 2D shapes according to how many sides and angles
-write about a hero in their life
-discuss and write about a character qualities (reading response)
-“If I Had Lunch with Martin Luther King Jr.” poster
-create a invention that would help make the world look like Martin’s dream
TASK CARD game: Odd and Even Numbers (Missing Number Equations)
February “All About Love” asks students to:
-read and sort homophones
-(introduction to dialogue) add quotation marks and commas
-order three-digit numbers from least to greatest
-write a three-digit number in expanded word (and identify the word form too)
-add three-digit numbers (no regrouping)
-read three books and write about favorite and least favorite
-find animals that mate for life in a word search
-write/describe four things they like about a classmate (*students will be partners up)
-sort phrases that describe caring for the Earth and caring for family/friends
TASK CARD game: Homophones
February “All About Presidents” asks students to:
-read and identify collective nouns
-create and write simple words from a group of letters
-read clues to identify words from a group of letters
-order numbers from least to greatest
-find the missing addend in a three-digit number
-subtract two three-digit numbers
-write about the main character and supporting character(s)
-identify and sort jobs that the president has
-write about what they would do if they were president
-complete a comprehension page about Thomas Jefferson
-write about the current president (bonus page)
TASK CARD game: Three-Digit Missing Addends
All About Space asks students to:
-identify nouns, verbs, and adjectives
-find words in a word search
-read and write planet names in order after solving logic puzzle as a class
-create a unique mnemonic to remember the order of the planets
-order three-digit numbers in order from least to greatest (and vise versa)
-add three-digit numbers together
-identify place value
-design and write about their own rocket ship
-identify three important vocabulary words from a nonfiction text
-read and show comprehension of a short passage about Neil Armstrong by color coding true and false statements
-sort the planets (gassy vs rocky)
BONUS TASK CARDS: Ordinal Numbers
March “All About Luck” asks students to:
-read and identify synonyms
-write sentences using synonyms
-identify coins, amounts, and add coins together
-count by 5s to 1000
-write and describe steps to catch a Leprechaun
-sort true and false statements about rainbows
-find and use adjectives from a read aloud
-show comprehension using a passage about St. Patrick’s Day
TASK CARD game: Adding Coins
March “All About Baby Animals” asks students to:
-read and identify animal words
-use decoding skills to read unknown words
-read and comprehend sentences containing sight words
-graph a number of words using a bar graph
-measure in inches with a ruler
-put time (AM and PM) in order
-draw the hour and minute hand on a clock to match time (to the hour)
-write about a baby animal they would like as a pet and describe how they would take care of it
-sort true and false statements about baby animals
-identify which animal character they would like to be from a book and explain why
-show comprehension using a passage about IMPRINTING
BONUS PAGE: identify the pictures and words to describe the life cycle of a chicken
TASK CARD game: Sight Word Fluency (Fry Second Word List)
April “All About Earth” asks students to:
-read, identify, and use homophones two/to/too and their/they’re/there
-read and comprehend simple sentences about taking care of the Earth
-read and sort ways to help and hurt the Earth
-add three single digits together (make ten and then add strategy)
-add 10 and subtract 10 from a number up to 1000
-write about ways to help the Earth
-summarize facts they learned from a nonfiction book
-read and match landforms (word to picture)
-identify animals that might live in each landform area
BONUS PAGE: Layers of the Earth Comprehension page
TASK CARD game: Homophones (to/two/too & their/they’re/there)
April “All About Plants” asks students to:
-read, identify, and use words with double consonants (ss, ff, ll, zz)
-order words in alphabetical order
-compare three-digit numbers using symbols (<,>,+=)
-add four single digit numbers up to 24 (simple perimeter introduction)
-use transition words in writing to summarize a story’s sequence
-write about HOW TO grow a garden
-identify what part of a plant we eat (stem/top or root/bottom of vegetables)
-comprehend simple sentences about how seeds travel
TASK CARD game: Make Ten and Then Add Math Strategy
May “All About Insects” asks students to:
-read and identify antonyms
-use tallies to count
-read sight word sentences
-add single digit numbers
-determine if a number is even or odd
-add and subtract up to three-digit numbers
-identify whether addition or subtraction is needed to solve a word problem
-write about what they would do if they lived a day as an insect
-write about something they knew and something they learned from a text
-sort true and false sentences about insects
-show comprehension of a passage about cultures that eat bugs
TASK CARD game: Synonyms and Antonyms
May “All About Memorial Day (Military)” asks students to:
-read and identify people, places, things, and holidays
-identify proper nouns and capitalize them
-change verbs from present tense to past tense
-capitalize and punctuate sentences
-add two-digit numbers
-identify numbers shown with base ten blocks
-read time to the nearest five minutes
-convert digital time to military time (cheat sheet included)
-write a letter to a soldier
-identify the main idea in a text and write about three things they learned
-show comprehension about the work that scientists do in the military
-sort facts about the Navy and the Army
BONUS PAGE: What is Memorial Day?
TASK CARD game: Time to the Nearest Five Minutes
June “All About Ocean Animals” asks students to:
-read and identify ocean animals based on clues
-show comprehension of a passage about jellyfish
-find pairs of numbers (multiples of 5) that added together equal 50
-identify greatest three-digit number in a group of three-digit numbers
-write about a day in the life of a scuba diver
-write about the author’s purpose (reading response)
-sort and identify the life cycle of a turtle and a salmon
-show comprehension of a passage about the importance of oceans
TASK CARD game: Story Problems (Two-Digit Addition and Subtraction)
June “All About Camping” asks students to:
-read and show comprehension of a passage about a family’s camping vacation
-identify and sort words with prefixes
-identify words with suffixes
-add three digits (using place value- for example: 300+40+6=346)
-count by 2s from 2 to 106
-write about the sequence of a story
-write a HOW TO story about roasting the perfect marshmallow
-understand and illustrate a map using map reading skills
-sort true and false statements about campfires
TASK CARD game: Prefix and Suffix Task Cards
The editable sub plan folder is a PowerPoint file (So that you can edit in the text boxes!). Make sure you have downloaded a current version of PowerPoint.
→FREEBIES INCLUDED in this download:
• Black History Month All About 12 African American Heroes Printable Posters
• Second Grade Task Cards Games Math and Reading BUNDLE
• Reading Comprehension and Response Activities Pre-K to 2nd Grade
Please ask all and any questions for purchasing.
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Thank you, and enjoy!
©Copyright 2010. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers. All rights reserved.
Copyright© 2015 The Kinder Life
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Not for public display.
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